
Run vessl experiment --help to view the list of commands, vessl experiment [COMMAND] -help to view individual command instructions.

Create an experiment

vessl experiment create [OPTIONS]
-c, --clusterCluster name (must be specified before other options)
-x, --commandStart command to execute in experiment container
-r, --resourceResource type to run an experiment (for managed cluster only)
--processor-typeCPU or GPU (for custom cluster only)
--cpu-limitNumber of vCPUs (for custom cluster only)
--memory-limitMemory limit in GiB (for custom cluster only)

GPU type (for custom cluster only)

ex. Tesla-K80

--gpu-limitNumber of GPU cores (for custom cluster only)
--image-urlKernel docker image URL.
--upload-local-file (multiple)

Upload local file. Format: [local_path] or [local_path]:[remote_path].

ex. —upload-local-file my-project:/root/my-project

--upload-local-git-diffUpload local git commit hash and diff (only works in project repositories)
-i, --image-url

Kernel docker image URL

ex. vessl/kernels:py36.full-cpu

-m, --messageMessage
--termination-protectionEnable termination protection
-h, --hyperparameter (multiple)

Hyperparameters in the form of [key]=[value]

ex. -h lr=0.01 -h epochs=100

--dataset (multiple)

Dataset mounts in the form of [mount_path] [dataset_name]

ex. —dataset /input mnist

--root-volume-sizeRoot volume size (defaults to 20Gi)
--working-dirWorking directory path (defaults to /root/)
--output-dirOutput directory path (defaults to /output
--local-projectLocal project file URL
--worker-countNumber of workers (for distributed experiment only)
--framework-typeSpecify pytorch or tensorflow(for distributed experiment only)

Download experiment output files

Each user can define experiment output files. You can save validation results, trained checkpoints, best performing models and other artifacts.

vessl experiment download-output [OPTIONS] NUMBER
NUMBERExperiment number
-p, --pathLocal download path (defaults to./output)
--worker-numberWorker number (for distributed experiment only)

List all experiments

vessl experiment list

List experiment output files

Each user can define experiment output files. You can save validation results, trained checkpoints, best models, and other artifacts.

vessl experiment list-output [OPTIONS] NUMBER
NUMBERExperiment number
-r, --recursiveList files recursively
--worker-numberWorker number (for distributed experiment only)

View logs of the experiment container

vessl experiment logs [OPTIONS] NUMBER
NUMBERExperiment number
--tailNumber of lines to display from the end (defaults to 200)
--worker-numberWorker number (for distributed experiment only)

View information on the experiment

vessl experiment read NUMBER
NUMBERExperiment number

Terminate an experiment

vessl experiment terminate NUMBER
NUMBERExperiment number