This example deploys a Jupyter Notebook server. You will also learn how you can connect to the server on VS Code or an IDE of your choice.

What you will do

  • Use vessl.log() to log model’s key metrics to VESSL AI during training
  • Define a YAML for batch experiments
  • Use Run Dashboard to track, visualize, and review experiments

Using our Python SDK

You can log metrics like accuracy and loss during each epoch with vessl.log(). For example, the example below calculates the accuracy and loss at each epoch which we receive as environment variables and logs them to VESSL AI.

import os
import random 
import vessl
epochs = int(os.environ['epochs'])
lr = float(os.environ['lr'])
offset = random.random() / 5
for epoch in range(2, epochs):
    acc = 1 - 2**-epoch - random.random() / epoch - offset
    loss = 2**-epoch + random.random() / epoch + offset
    print(f"epoch={epoch}, accuracy={acc}, loss={loss}")
    vessl.log({"accuracy": acc, "loss": loss})

You can review the results under Plots.

You can also use vessl.log() with our YAML to (1) launch multiple jobs with different hyperparameters, (2) track the results in realtime, and (3) set up a shared experiment dashboard for your team.

Using the YAML

Here, we have a simple log_epoch-10_lr-0.01.yml file that runs the file above on a CPU instance. Refer to our get started guide to learn how you can launch a training job.

name: tracking-1
description: "Logging custom metrics with VESSL SDK"
  cluster: vessl-aws-seoul
  preset: cpu-small
  /root/examples/: git://
  - command: python
    workdir: /root/examples/runs/tracking

You can quickly change these values on YAML and run batch jobs with different hyperparameters.

vessl run create -f log_epoch-10_lr-0.01.yml
vessl run create -f log_epoch-10_lr-0.001.yml
vessl run create -f log_epoch-10_lr-0.0001.yml

This comes handy when you want to experiment with different hyperparameters using a committed code, and attaching a git hash to the YAML essentially versions your model as you fine-tune them.

Setting up a shared dashboard

Under Trackings, you can set up a shared dashboard of your experiments.

Using our web interface

You can tweak your parameters on our web once you defined your parameters as environment variables.

What’s next?

Train nanoGPT from scratch and track its performance as you experiment with different hyperparameters.